
[APH] Oschaert!EnglandxReader

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DireRetribution's avatar

Literature Text

Travelling at night was never a problem for you. Even as a child, you disregarded your parent’s warnings and explored the outskirts of your town during the dead of night. After all, their warnings were but idiotic old wives’ tales about strange and “deadly” creatures. According to Mum, their favorite meals were solitary travelers who were ignorant enough to cross their paths.

Tonight was the night, you had declared, that you would finally go out of your small English town entirely. This place was almost sickening to you nowadays, the same mediocre schedule every day, the lifeless people… You wanted out. Or at least a break, you thought. You couldn’t bear to leave your few good friends and your family.

Walking along the darkened path, you kept your strong __[E/Color]__ gaze ahead of you. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness so much that you almost had no need for a lantern. Nevertheless, you took one anyway. Occasionally on your stroll, small pairs of eyes would reflect your lantern light off in the bushes. Though as soon as you got close enough to investigate, you would either hear the cautious chatter of a martin or the frantic scurrying of a rabbit as the orbs disappeared.

You soon needed a break after all of your walking. Lifting your lantern, the distance of its light extended forward, illuminating a large rock on the side of the dirt path. Sitting down on it, you gave a soft sigh. Your small night exploration wasn’t currently revealing any interesting results to you. You were hoping to find something exciting, a cave or abandoned castle or even an interesting animal, at least. You looked up at the dark sky.

The pure white moon was straight overhead, millions of stars dotted around it and all over the sky. You stared at the far away lights for a long time before turning your gaze back down to the world in front of you. You still had quite some hours before daybreak, which is when you had to be home by. Now, the question was to begin heading back or increase the distance between you and the village and travel further…

Some shuffling in the bushes in front of you caught your attention. You sat up straight, the overwhelming curiosity for the unknown sparking in you once again. No reflective eyes were visible, but the shuffling was so explicit that you could tell whatever was causing the noise was extremely close. Whatever it was sounded large, as well.

“Hello?” You muttered quietly. The shuffling immediately ceased, and all became quiet once again. That is, until another sound broke the silence. You heard an almost inaudible whisper, “Hello.”

Someone spoke! So you weren’t alone after all…. But the voice had come from behind you. Turning on your heels, you were facing the direction of the voice. “Wh-who’re you?” you managed to say.

The whispering reply came from your right this time, “I’ll tell you if you can find me, lass.”

Challenge accepted. You spun to the right and stopped dead in your tracks. A large dark dog was sitting calmly in the middle of the dirt road in front of you, staring silently at you. The two of you stared for a moment, before it stood. Quickly turning, it ran away from you down the path. “H-hey!” You called, picking up your lantern, “wait!”

It soon left your sight, but you began running down the path anyway. You soon came upon a fork in the road, and you skid to a halt. Looking in every direction, you heard the omniscent whisper once again, “follow me.”

Your sight landed upon a owl staring at you up in a tree to your left, staring at you in the same manner that the dog had done. When it was sure it caught your attention, it lifted into the air and flew down the left path. Something was definitely going on here, but your curious nature had quickly taken over as you continued down the left path. You soon came upon a large, circular clearing with trees circling it.

You stopped in the middle of the circle, glancing around. There weren’t any breaks in the trees where the owl could’ve gone. Some quiet humanlike footsteps touched the ground behind you, which caused you to turn back around the path which you came from. Nothing was there, of course. Sighing, you came to the realization that you had lost whatever it was. Or maybe you were just crazy—
Something powerful slammed into your back, sending electricity through your spine. Letting out a scream of pain, you were sent straight to the ground. You were stunned against the earth for a moment, and a large weight was still perched on your back between your shoulders. A few tears of pain pricked your eyes, whatever the hell that was, it really hurt. Maybe a tree had fallen on you, since something was still on your back…

The weight was slowly lifted. You felt yourself breathing better as some pain left your body. Breathing heavily, you shakily lifted your torso off the ground and looked up. Your vision was blurred, but you could make out a tall shape in front of you. “Sorry about that, lass. Are you alright?”

You pulled yourself off the ground as you finally saw what was in front of you. It was a man with short blonde hair, dark green eyes, and large eyebrows. He was smiling calmly at you, but... where had he come from? “I-I’m okay.. Who are—“

“You found me, so I’ll tell you,” he gave a mischievous grin, “I’m Arthur Kirkland, at your service.”

You froze. The voice, the creatures… Arthur wasn’t human, “What are you?” You said cautiously, finally standing entirely. He gave a short, posh laugh, “Why would I tell you that? You aren't going to go back to your wee village and tell everyone to come kill me, are you?”

“I wasn't planning to…” You frowned, “But I will if I have to.”

Arthur continued smiling, beginning to step closer to you. “I’m an oscheart.”

You had heard stories of oschaerts. Like any stereotypical English cryptid, they were tricksters who usually ambushed travelers and shape shifted… That explained everything.

He suddenly spoke up again, “Tying the pieces together, are we, love?” he was a foot in front of you now. “If I’m not entirely mistaken, I do believe that you are now lost.”

Your eyes grew wide. He was right, this handsome bastard had lead you away from your path! “You had better help me get back home,” you muttered, only now beginning to feel the fear you should’ve felt long ago.

“Or what?” He crossed his arms, “why don’t I do what all oschaerts are born to do; kill you?”

Your legs were shaking now. You were lost in the woods with nothing but a lantern to defend yourself from a powerful mythical creature that could transform into any of your worst fears. You were completely out of ideas what to do. “Please…” your voice shook. “I needed to be home before daylight…”

He crept closer before setting a hand on your cheek. His hand was very warm and contrasted the cold night air. It felt so nice… but you pulled away, taking a step back.

“I’ll take you back to your village if…” he thought for a moment, once again moving closer to you. He grinned again, his white teeth shining in the light of your lantern “if you be my wife.”

You wanted to be more shocked than you were. Why didn’t you feel totally opposed to that idea…?! You wanted to say no, but you had to get back to your village…

“… F-fine…” You managed to choke out. He was beside you within a fraction of a second, his arm wrapped securely around your waist, “Brilliant! You should be flattered, love~ it’s not every day a deadly mythical creature like yours truly takes a beautiful mortal like you as a wife.” He beamed, beginning to take you back down the path. “But alas, we can only meet at night, for I cannot be out a dawn… Do you have a basement I could live in?”

You continually tried to get out of his grip. “I have a basement, but you couldn’t live there anyway, even if I wanted you to…” you spoke the last part quietly. You know you wanted him to. “I’ll live in your closet then, it’s settled~”

“I don’t have a closet,” you muttered. That much was the truth. He sighed, his breath ticking your neck as he urged you forward down the twisting paths. “I suppose fate will only allow us to meet at night then… That isn’t a problem for you, right love?” You shook your head as the small lights of your village were lit on the horizon. The sky was already beginning to brighten; you couldn’t make it home by sunrise…

“Arthur, I don’t think we have time to get to the town,” you said quietly. “Not a problem,” he spoke, letting go of you and stepping back. You turned back around to where he was, just to see a large black horse in his place. You stared for a moment before he began pawing at the ground impatiently. “Alright, alright,” you scoffed before clumsily climbing up onto his back. There were never horses as tall as him at the village. He soon continued towards the lights of the town, galloping as you clung to him.

You soon made it to the village gates just as the sun was beginning to shine. You hopped off him as he quickly turned back into his more-or-less human form. “This is where I let you off, love,” he spoke, beginning to back off into the darkened trees, “same time tomorrow night?” He grinned and winked at you.

You nodded silently, watching him go. You turned back to the gates and took a step inside before you heard him from afar, “By the way, I want kids!”

Hey look an actual submission to my secondary account!
Hello again everyone ouo Here's a reader insert I've been planning on doing for a long time, but today's been the first day I actually have a lot of free time, and I seem to have an awful artists' block. Thankfully not a writer's one.

Oschaerts are British things that like piggyback rides. But they might kill you sometimes. Sorry about that. Don't talk to strangers ok guys

Good luck having weird shape shifting babies
Be sure to name one after me

Story © ~DireRetribution / ~DireTylo (Me) 2013
Characters (Arthur Kirkland/England) © Hetalia/Himaruya

All rights reserved, you may not use this, repost, edit, or copy any of this.
© 2013 - 2024 DireRetribution
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sindysugar's avatar
Sequel please!!